Wednesday, March 19, 2008

War is Not Healthy

Today marks the 5th anniversary of the Iraq war. Although no official body has kept count of the total dead, it is estimated that up to one million have lost their lives in Iraq during this time. Almost 4,000 American soldiers have been killed and 60,000 have been injured in combat or in what have been deemed non-combat accidents or illnesses. No one knows how many troops and Iraqi civilians have been exposed to depleted uranium that seems to act as a ticking time-bomb in their bodies.

The physical and mental health injuries will cause pain and suffering for years to come for American soldiers and those who love them. As a psychotherapist I have treated many people with post-traumatic stress disorder, mostly from early abuse. I know the suffering they endure for years before they find help and heal. Reports that the military downplays PTSD and that there are long waits to receive help for it from the Veteran's Administration hospitals and clinics trouble me immensely. At the very least this nation can and should support our wounded troops to recover from their injuries and heal from their wounds. Such support should be available to each of them and include support to their families as well. It is the least we can do.

I cannot even imagine the situation of the people of Iraq. This war has done a better job of terrorizing that population than Saddam ever thought of doing. Injuries, PTSD and a generation of orphans and refugees are what the war has brought to the people. If the reports of the health consequences of depleted uranium are anywhere near accurate, the damage will extend to unborn generations of Iraqis and also to the children of Iraq war veterans of the United States and its allies who have served there.

Stop this war now! Bring war criminals and profiteers to justice! Heal the people and the land harmed during this war by providing health care, and economic assistance/reparations, and pledge "never again."

See other blogs posting in opposition to the Iraq war at:

1 comment:

Jan said...

Good for you in expressing this!